Happy Easter!

Wishing that you and your loved ones have a blessed and healthy weekend. Hopefully you will find a way to be physically distant but socially engaged over the holiday weekend.
I have included a few items below to brighten your day or week. My current real estate listings and some art from my daughter.

Reasons for Optimism
These days there seems to be a shortage of good news in the world today. But here is why I am cautiously optimistic these days.
Social Distancing Physical Distancing Working? – Coronavirus Model Revised Down
CNN and other news sources are reporting that one of the influential models tracking the coronavirus pandemic has revised the total deaths number down.
The numbers for California have improved with peak utilization of hospital resources occurring on April 13 and without an overload of hospital resources.
This doesn’t mean that we can stop being vigilant with our handwashing and stop following CDC guidelines.
Auto Insurers Offering Rebates
I received notice that I will be getting a discount on my auto insurance due to the reduced driving. The EastBayTimes.com is reporting this is occurring with a number of carriers and lists some of the programs offered.
Some Good News by John Krasinski
John Krasinski (of The Office and Jack Ryan) has uploaded two episodes of Some Good News. In the videos he highlights good news from around the web. In the first episode he interviews The Office costar Steve Carell. In the latest installment he surprises a young girl with a Zoom call.
Zoom Surprise: Some Good News with John Krasinski Ep. 2
Maria Told Her Mother Gladly – Humor
Maria came home from Sunday School on Palm Sunday and told her mother that she had learned a new song about a cross-eyed bear named Gladly.
It took her mother a while before she realized that the hymn Maria had been singing was really: “Gladly The Cross I’d Bear.”
Holiday Reading
On Good Friday
Why We Call the Worst Friday ‘Good’
“It was the single most horrible day in the history of the world.
No incident has ever been more tragic, and no future event will ever match it.”
On Sunday
And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.”
Luke 24:5-6
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Commercial Real Estate Listings
This high visibility location along Monument Boulevard in Concord, CA is zoned Commercial Mixed-Use (CMX) by the City of Concord allowing a variety of retail and service uses. Learn More…
For Lease – Antioch Warehouse
This open and bright space is ideal for the cabinet maker, the contractor, the plumber, the carpet installer, or other trade. The space contains a small office, a private restroom, and mezzanine space. Keep Reading
For Lease – Martinez R&D Space
±16,885 Sq. Ft. of beautiful, bright R&D space. Warehouse and office space. Two roll up doors. Find Out More